From: BBC's video "Nature: Brinicle" - an amazing natural phenomenon, described as "Ice Finger of Death"
In winter, the air temperature above the sea ice can be below -20C, whereas the sea water is only about -1.9C. Heat flows from the warmer sea up to the very cold air, forming new ice from the bottom. The salt in this newly formed ice is concentrated and pushed into the brine channels. And because it is very cold and salty, it is denser than the water beneath.
その韓国の南端の海域、九州からかなり近い場所に、チェジュ島(済州島-地図のA地点)、別名「韓国のハワイ」、「平和の島(Island of Peace)」と呼ばれる美しい島がある、とずいぶん以前に知り合いから聞いたことがあります。ユネスコの世界遺産にも指定されたエリアだと聞いて、いつか自分も行ってみたいと思っていた。
They harbor no fears, no secrets, no prejudices. Just two living creatures who somehow managed to look past their immense differences. Take a good look, America. Take a good look, World. If they can do it, what's our excuse?
With more evidence, the staff has come to believe that Tarra was aware of Bella’s death many hours before her body was discovered and dealt with it in her own way. In fact, they believe Tarra found Bella during or after the attack and carried her body back to the barn. There was no indication of a struggle anywhere near where Bella was found, and based on the extent of her injuries, it was clear Bella could not have reached the spot herself. Furthermore, examination of the underside of Tarra’s trunk revealed blood.
“I am convinced Tarra experienced the death of her friend that fateful night, brought her home and said her goodbyes,” sanctuary CEO Rob Atkinson said. “Tarra was a true friend to the end, and Tarra’s sisters and caregivers will continue to take care of her, as she and Bella did each other.”
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